History of Colorado . . . and Toys

We began the day unlike the other days and ventured off to the Colorado History Museum to see behind-the-scenes expeditions and explore what the museum had to offer. We met with Abbie, Ginni and Todd and they talked to us about what they do at the museum and how different career paths led them to the same location. Todd for example, is actually paid to be on social media all day. He’s basically a professional teenager. After their speeches, Scott led us back upstairs and we climbed  up four stories to reach the toys exhibit. Our inner five year-old came out and we panned out the exhibit seeking different toys such as the Slinky, Twister, Trouble, and Hula Hoops. The simplicity of toys like Hula Hoops and Slinkies show how even something as simple as a circle can be something that is timeless and people of all generations can enjoy– much like the games that we are currently attempting to develop.
After the museum, we came back to the CVA where we ate our lunch and went back to studio work and pushed forward on trying to finish our game developments. Suddenly we erupted into multiple choruses of “When I’m Gone” and we all attempted to learn the cup song together. We sang and clapped, tapped, and danced and as the day came to a close, we had to say goodbye to one of our interns who will be going away to backpack for 22 days. Our goodbye group hug was meaningful and summed up a lovely Monday.


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